This page contains zoning information for the Town of Fort Erie:
For general zoning inquiries, please contact Planning and Development Services at 905-871-1600 ext. 2521
Or visit our interactive zoning map:
Alternatively, inquiries can be submitted by email via the zoning inquiry submission form at the bottom of this page.
Below is Zoning By-law No. 129-90, separated by section. Click a link below to open a section as a PDF document.
01 Application and Interpretation
02 Administration and Enforcement
09 RR - Rural Residential Zone
14 RM1 - Residential Multiple 1 Zone
15 RM2 - Residential Multiple 2 Zone
16 WR - Waterfront Residential Zone
16A WRR - Waterfront Rural Residential Zone
17 ND - Neighbourhood Development Zone
18 General Provisions for Commercial Zones
18A ECU - Existing Commercial Use Zone
20 C2 - General Commercial Zone
20A UEC - Urban Entertainment Centre Zone
21 C2A - Central Business District Commercial Zone
22 C3 - Highway Commercial Zone
23 C4 - Automobile Service Station Zone
24 C5 - Recreational Commercial Zone
25 C6 - Shopping Centre Commercial Zone
26A CMU1 - Core Mixed Use 1 Zone
26B CMU2 - Core Mixed Use 2 Zone
26C CMU3 - Core Mixed Use 3 Zone
26D CMU4 - Core Mixed Use 4 Zone
26E CMU5 - Core Mixed Use 5 Zone
26F CMU6 - Core Mixed Use 6 Zone
28 PI - Prestige Industrial Zone
30 EI - Extractive Industrial Zone
33A EOS - Existing Open Space Zone
35A EP - Environmental Protection Zone
35B EC - Environmental Conservation Overlay Zone
37 MS - Motorsports Speedway Zone
39 Schedule 'A' - Zoning Schedule (see top of page for Schedule 'A' maps)
40 Schedule 'B' - Road Allowance Requirements
41 Schedule 'C' - Minimum Distance Separation Formula (Available upon request - please call 905-871-1600)
42 Schedule 'D' - Geometric Design Standards for Parking
43 Schedule 'E' - Regional Municipality of Niagara Policy Plan - Urban Area Boundary Map
44 Minister's Orders - Fort Erie Racetrack and Marcy's Woods
Zoning policy consolidation date October 31, 2024.
Requesting a Zoning Compliance Letter from the Town.
There are two types of letters: a simple letter and a detailed letter.
A simple letter would confirm if the use conforms with the zoning. A detailed letter would involve a more detailed review of the setbacks, lot coverage etc. We require a detailed survey or site plan to complete a detailed review.
The costs associated with these letters are provided in the Town's Schedule of Fee's and Charges.
To request a Zoning Compliance Letter please contact:
Mohammad Kamruzzaman, Zoning Technician,
Planning and Development Services Department,
905-871-1600 Ext. 2521.
Below is the application form for zoning by-law/official plan amendments. A brochure is available that provides general information about the zoning amendment process and estimated costs.
Zoning By-law and/or Official Plan Amendment Application
For more information about applying for a zoning by-law or official plan amendment, please contact the Planning and Development Services department at 905-871-1600 ext. 2526.
Have a question about the Town's Zoning By-law? Please use the submission form below.
Contact Us