Corporate Services provides financial stewardship of town assets and operations and is responsible for the Town’s legal and gaming departments.
Community Services is the first point of contact for most members of the community and is focused on responding to customer inquiries and enhancing community services such as Customer Service, Museums, Communications, Health Care and Economic Development and Tourism.
Fire and Emergency Services provides emergency services to the Fort Erie community such as water rescue, fire inspections, public education, and fire prevention. Infrastructure Services Infrastructure Services manages the Town’s facilities, public parks, municipal roads, and water and wastewater. Some services include snow removal, road resurfacing, transit, cemeteries, and watermain repairs.
The Infrastructure Services department for the Town of Fort Erie encompasses the Engineering, Operations, Parks & Leisure, Facilities Maintenance and Cemeteries divisions. Our goal is to provide ratepayer-oriented, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable municipal infrastructure services to the residents and businesses of Fort Erie.
Legal and Legislative Services functions as a strategic resource to Council, staff, boards and committees.
Legal Services is the Town’s primary legal contact. The Town Solicitor and Law Clerk coordinate all property and legal matters on behalf of the Town, provide legal advice to Council and staff and represent the Town in legal proceedings. We do not provide legal advice to the general public.
Legislative Services supports the work of Council by preparing and distributing the meeting agenda and associated correspondence, reports and by-laws and following-up with meeting minutes and correspondence to stakeholders. Municipal elections, records management, and freedom of information requests also fall under this service area.
The Office of the CAO provides corporate leadership, communications, accessibility, health care, strategic planning, economic development, and tourism and employment services.
Planning and Development Services provides property planning, building, zoning, and bylaw enforcement. It ensures that public and private development is strategic and reflects legislative requirements.
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