Development and Re-development proposals within the Town are dependent upon a wide range of approvals and requirements. Below are a few of the offices and public agencies, which may influence your proposal and a brief description of their roles within the Building Permit process. Therefore, prior to any Building Permit submission, please consult Building Staff to review the list below to determine which approvals may be required.
Town of Fort Erie's Fire Prevention Office
To protect the public from the risk of fire through pro-active public education, building plans examinations, building retrofits and other Fire Code compliances.
Town of Fort Erie's Committee of Adjustment (COA)
The COA is authorized to grant minor variances, permit enlargements, extensions or changes to legal non-conforming uses, give consent to sever a parcel of land into more than one lot or as a lot addition to abutting properties, as well as easements and leases over 21 years.
Town of Fort Erie's Community Improvement Plan (CIP)
The creation and implementation of the CIP's intention is to rejuvenate and revitalize the traditional downtown commercial core areas through incentive programs.
Town of Fort Erie's Site Plan Approval Process
The process aims to improve the image and appearance of the Town by applying consistent standards and guidelines, ensure the safety and convenience of automobile and pedestrian traffic, and to protect environmental areas and habitat through the appropriate location of buildings, roads and parking spaces.
Town of Fort Erie's Cultural Heritage Value and Interest Registry
Buildings on the Town Registry are either "designated" or "non-designated". A non-designated property that has been included on the Registry, signals an intent to preservation. While a designation means that demolition or alteration of the heritage attributes of the building will require Council approval.
Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA)
Its mission is to establish and undertake programs designed to further the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources.
Niagara Regional Planning and Development Department
Through the implementation of Provincial and Regional policies and management of lands within Niagara Region are strategically planned to promote long-range growth.
Niagara Regional Health Unit
An official health agency which strives to promote health and disease prevention programs, to inform the public about healthy life-styles and provide food premises inspections to ensure healthy growth and development.
Niagara Parks Commission (NPC)
Its mission is to protect the natural and cultural heritage along the Niagara River for the enjoyment of visitors and residents through its policies and development regulations.
Ministry of Transportation (MTO)
It is responsible for managing the provincial highway corridor network, through its policies & guidelines & supports economic growth while ensuring the safe & efficient movement of people & goods.
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOE)
It is responsible for protecting and improving the quality of the environment through its approval process as it relates to air, noise, waste or sewage within the province.
Ministry of Labour
Through its regulations and by providing compliance support, conducting pro-active inspections of payroll records and workplace practices, it ensures that the Employment Standards Act is being followed.
Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS) - Ontario Fire Marshal
Its primary function is to minimize the loss of life and property from fire by helping municipalities and fire departments improve their fire protection and prevention services.
Alcohol & Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO)
The AGCO is responsible for regulating alcohol, gaming and horse racing sectors through its polices and development regulations.
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