How do I get a Tent permit application? |
Permit Applications can be obtained:
When is a Tent Permit required? |
Section 1.3.1 of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) requires a submission of a Tent Permit application when;
Rules and regulations for a Tent? |
Notes:When a tent or a group of tents measure less than 60.0 sq.m. (646 sq.ft.) in total ground area, a Tent Permit is not required. This only applies if the tent(s) are not attached to a building and are constructed more than 3.0 metres (9'-8") from other structures. |
When do I need a Professional Engineer (P.Eng)? |
Section 3.14 of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) requires a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) to review and stamp a Tent Permit when;
The Professional Engineer must complete the Commitment to General Reviews by Architect and Engineers form. |
Do I need any other approvals? |
The Ontario Fire Code (OFC) contains specific requirements for tents which exceed 30.0 sq.m. (323 sq.ft.) in size. The Town's Fire Department must be consulted before submission of any Tent Permit application. In addition, written approvals from the Town's Planning approval, permits and approvals from other Public agencies may be required. Therefore it's recommended that the Town's Building Department be consulted when considering the erection of a tent(s). |
Requirements for a Tent Permit Submission? |
The Town will need the following information;
For further information with the Tent Permit process, please review the Tent Permit Process video.
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