The Town of Fort Erie has established a Committee of Adjustment to hold public meetings and make decisions on minor variances, consents (severances, boundary adjustments, easements, leases, partial discharge of mortgage or charge) and extensions/enlargements to legal non-conforming uses. The Committee is made up of seven members appointed by Town Council to serve a four-year term.
The function of the Committee of Adjustment is to review applications, staff and agency comments, and information provided by the applicant, as well as the input of any neighbours. Decisions made by the Committee of Adjustment must be in conformity/consistent with Provincial, Regional and Town planning policies, in accordance with the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P13, as amended.
Applicants are encouraged to participate in a pre-consultation meeting with the Development Approvals division in advance of making a formal submission for consent and are encouraged to speak in advance to Town Staff regarding Minor Variance applications prior to submission.
Committee of Adjustment meetings are generally held on the 3rd Thursday of each month unless otherwise posted. Any application must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the hearing date.
Click here for Current Minor Variance and Consent Notices
Click here for more information on the Minor Variance Process
Click here for more information on the Pre-Consultation and Consent Process
Click here for the Committee of Adjustment 2025 HEARING SCHEDULE
7 citizen appointees:
The payment rate is $100.31 for the Chair per meeting, $81.53 for members per meeting, and a $200.00 travel allowance per year.
Appointees must have a variety of required skill sets. This includes understanding Provincial Planning Policies and the Town of Fort Erie's Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
The Committee of Adjustment meets every three weeks on Thursdays year round.
Meetings start at 5:00 p.m. Please call the staff liaison to confirm meeting dates.
Interested parties are invited to attend the public Committee of Adjustment hearings.
Location: Town Hall Council Chambers, 1 Municipal Centre Drive, Fort Erie
Residents can participate in the public meetings two different ways:
1. Send your comments via e-mail to the Secretary-Treasurer to the Committee of Adjustment who will provide them to the Committee of Adjustment.
2. Attend the public meeting in person in Council Chambers at Town Hall.
If you are concerned about a minor variance or severance application that may affect you, you should:
If you have any concerns, you should address them early in the process so that your concerns can be brought forward to the Committee of Adjustment and they have time to review your comments and if necessary, get further information from planning staff prior to the meeting.
Carleigh Ricci, Acting Secretary Treasurer to Committee of Adjustment
Phone Number: 905-871-1600 Ext. 2530
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