As of January 1, 2025, an amended Short-Term Rental By-Law will be in effect. New applications for Dedicated Short-Term Rentals and Owner Occupied Short-Term Rental will be accepted and must comply with the new land use zoning regulations. The application portal will open on January 2, 2025.
Please click here to access: Short-Term Rental Licencing By-Law 102-2024, Official Plan Amendment By-Law 02-2024 and Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 01-2024.
Short Term Rental Application Form
Short-Term Rental licences are non-transferrable.
Applications will be processed on a first-come, first- serve basis.
To operate a Short-Term Rental (STR) in Fort Erie you must meet the zoning and licencing requirements and obtain a STR licence through the Town of Fort Erie.
A “short-term rental” means the use of all or part of a Dwelling Unit, either dedicated or owner-occupied, to provide sleeping accommodation for any period of thirty (30) calendar days at a time or less in exchange for payment, but does not include any type of institutional dwelling, hotels, or other similar uses.
There are two types of Short-Term Rentals licences. You should only apply for the licence that applies to you.
Dedicated Short-Term Rental: means a STR is located on a property where the Owner is not a full-time resident.
The Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law permits dedicated short-term rentals in the following zones:
Local Commercial (C1), General Commercial (C2), Central Business District Commercial (C2A), Highway Commercial (C3), Rural Commercial (C7), Core Mixed Use 1 (CMU1), Core Mixed Use 2 (CMU2), Core Mixed Use 3 (CMU3), Core Mixed Use 4 (CMU4), Core Mixed Use 5 (CMU5), Core Mixed Use 6 (CMU6), Residential 2B (R2B), Waterfront Residential (WR) – lots west of Kraft Road to Mathews Road only and Waterfront Rural Residential (WRR) - lots west of Kraft Road to Mathews Road only.
Owner-Occupied Short-Term Rental: means a STR that is located on a property where the Owner is a full-time resident occupying the property on a full-time basis, including the duration of the rental term where the owner is present.
The Town’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law permits owner-occupied short-term rentals in the following zones:
Agricultural (A), Rural (RU), Rural Residential (RR), Residential 1 (R1), Residential (R2), Residential 2 A (R2A), Residential 2 B (R2B), Residential 3 (R3), Residential Multiple 1 (RM1), Waterfront Residential (WR) – lots west of Kraft Road to Mathews Road only.
Zoning verification by the Town of Fort Erie Planning department will be required to ensure short-term rental use is permitted.
1. Short-Term Rental Information: Full address, number of legal parking spaces, number of bedrooms and if application is for entire dwelling or bedroom rental only.
2. Owner/Corporation Information: Name of owner(s) and full contact information. (Name, mailing address, telephone and cell number and email address).
3. Applicant/Operator Information: Applicant/Operator full contact information (name, mailing address, telephone and cell number and email address).
4. Responsible Local Contact Person: Provide full contact information for the responsible local contact person (Local contact person shall be at the premises within 30 minutes of contact).
5. Additional Questions:
a. Are you aware of any outstanding Fire Orders?
b. Are you aware of any Property Orders?
c. Are you aware of any Building Permits?
d. Have you had any interior renovations in the last 10 years? If yes, what was the nature of the renovations?
6. Document Checklist:
Fort Erie is home to many great tourist attractions. To help ensure the safety of our visitors, all Short-Term Rental owners who operate rentals such as Airbnbs are required to obtain an operating licence.
Operating a Short-Term Rental without a licence may result in a $1,500 administrative penalty and a two (2) year prohibition on applying for a licence from the date on which the first Penalty Notice is issued. In the event a Short-Term Rental continues to operate without a licence, the administrative penalty will increase to $2,000 for each subsequent infraction and the prohibition can be extended up to five (5) years.
A list of registered Short-Term Rental properties is available and is updated regularly.
Short-Term Rental business licences must be obtained and renewed annually. A licence is valid from the date of issuance until December 31 of that year. Licence applications can be renewed online using the Town’s licence application portal.
Short-Term Rental owners are encouraged to review Fort Erie's Short-Term Rental By-law, Official Plan Amendment (By-Law 02-2024), Zoning By-Law Amendment (By-Law 01-2024), and FAQs before applying for a licence.
Fire Exit Floor Plan
Short-Term Rentals are required to have a Fire Exit Floor Plan on the back of each bedroom door.
Licence Fees
All Fort Erie Short-Term Rental businesses require a licence to operate. The following fees are required to purchase a licence. Each dwelling unit on each property operating as a Short-Term Rental requires a licence.
Type of Short-Term Rentals | Fee |
1 or 2 Bedrooms |
$750 |
3 Bedrooms |
$1,250 |
Short-Term Rental owners found in violation of the Short-Term Rental By-law may receive demerit points and administrative penalties for each infraction given.
Demerit points will remain in place until the two-year anniversary of the date in which they were given.
If the total of all demerit points respecting a Short-Term Rental is seven (7) or more, an owner is required to provide Economic Development and Tourism Services written steps on how they intend to mitigate further instances of awarding demerit points.
If the total of all demerit points respecting a Short-Term Rental is fifteen (15) or more, the licence will be immediately revoked. An Owner whose licence has been revoked may, within ten (10) days of being notified of the revocation, submit a written request to the Coordinator to appeal the licence revocation to the Hearing Officer.
Infraction | Demerits | Penalties |
Operate Short-Term Rental without a licence | N/A | |
First failure to comply | $1,500.00 | |
Each subsequent failure to comply within twelve (12) months of first failure to comply | $2,000.00 | |
Advertise Short-Term Rental without a licence | N/A | |
First failure to comply | $1,000.00 | |
Each subsequent failure to comply within twelve (12) months of first failure to comply | $1,500.00 | |
Advertise Short-Term Rental with more than three (3) bedrooms | 5 | $500.00 |
Advertise Short-Term Rental that exceeds maximum occupancy | 5 | $500.00 |
Advertise Short-Term Rental without including Licence number | 3 | $75.00 |
Failure to Display Licence | 3 | $75.00 |
Operate Short-Term Rental without full private or municipal services | 3 | $100.00 |
Failure to have garbage in containers with lids | 3 | $150.00 |
Outside sleeping accommodations on site | 3 | $300.00 |
Non-availability of Local Contact Person | 10 | $500.00 |
Fail to maintain Renter/Occupant register | 5 | $500.00 |
Fail to produce Renter/Occupant register | 5 | $500.00 |
Obstruct Officer | 10 | $300.00 |
Fail to comply with Fire Safety Plan | 10 | $500.00 |
Noise and Nuisance | 5 |
Operate contrary to applicable Federal, Provincial and Municipal Laws | 15 | $1,500.00 |
Fail to comply with Fire Protection & Prevention Act, 1997 and/or Fire Code | 15 | Fines Imposed under FPPA/Code |
Fail to comply with Building Code Act, 1992 and/or Building Code | 10 | Fines Imposed under BCA |
Fail to obtain valid verification of individual’s need for housing | 5 | $300.00 |
Fail to provide current and accurate information to Coordinator | 2 | $150.00 |
Assignment of Licence | 5 | $300.00 |
Operate with open Permit or Order | 10 | $300.00 |
Property Standards Infraction | 3 | Fines imposed under By-law No.186-08 |
Fire extinguisher in enclosed compartment | 2 | $150.00 |
Operate with more than three (3) bedrooms | 15 | $1,500.00 |
Exceed maximum occupancy | 10 | $1,000.00 |
Guest(s) after 11:00 p.m. | 5 | $150.00 |
Commercial Season Passes are now available for $100 each.
Local accommodation operators/owners may:
a) Pick up the Passes at Town Hall (1 Municipal Centre Drive) anytime between 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday, save and except holidays. You can bring either a printed copy of the receipt (e-mailed) or your smartphone with the e-mail on it along with photo ID for you or the person you have designated to collect the pass(es). Please contact Town Hall via phone at 905-871-1600 prior to pick-up to ensure your order is ready.
b) Receive the Passes via Mail - Passes will be sent via regular mail with Canada Post. Please be aware that the Town will not be held responsible for delayed, lost or damaged items and we will not be in a position to reissue passes for any such reasons.
Please take a minute to review the bylaws referenced above as well as reference our FAQs for Operators to further better understand our Short-Term Rental program. For more information, please contact our Business Licencing Coordinator at or 905-871-1600, ext. 2252.
Q: How much does a Short-Term Rental licence cost?
A: A Short-Term Rental licence costs $750.00 for a Short-Term Rental that has one to two bedrooms and $1,250.00 for a Short-Term Rental with three bedrooms.
Q: How can I stay up to date on Short-Term Rentals programming?
A: To stay up-to-date with the Town of Fort Erie’s Short-Term Rental programs, follow the Town of Fort Erie’s on social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter); check the Town of Fort Erie's Short-Term Rental webpage for updates; or follow the Short-Term Rental Program on Let’s Talk Fort Erie.
Q: What is the maximum number of bedrooms allowed under the Short-Term Rental program?
A: The maximum number of bedrooms allowed for Short-Term Rentals in Fort Erie is three (3), with a maximum occupant limit of eight (8) people. Young children and babies count towards total occupancy amount.
Q: What is the maximum occupancy in a Short-Term Rental?
A: A Short-Term Rental that has only one bedroom will be allowed a maximum occupancy of four individuals, two bedrooms will have a maximum occupancy of six and three bedrooms will have a maximum occupancy of eight. Young children and babies count towards total occupancy amount.
Q: What happens if I have more than three bedrooms in my Short-Term Rental?
A: Short-Term Rental owners with three or more bedrooms will be required to close off additional bedrooms and post appropriate signage on the doors. Short-Term Rental operators found in violation will receive 15 demerit points; an automatic licence suspension; a $1,500 fine; and, must attend a hearing to determine if the Short-Term Rental licence should be revoked.
Q: Can we turn additional bedrooms into a yoga room or something similar like an office?
A: No, additional bedrooms must be closed and signage must be posted declaring the room unavailable for use.
Q: Are renters allowed to invite guests to Short-Term Rental properties?
A: Guests are allowed to visit Short-Term Rental properties but they must leave by 11 p.m. each day.
Q: Do Short-Term Rentals properties require inspections from Town Staff?
A: Yes, annual fire and building inspections must be conducted annually for Short-Term Rental licence holders.
Q: Do I need to have a contact person available if there is a problem at my Short-Term Rental property?
A: All Short-Term Rental property owners must have a local contact person who can be available (on premises) within 30 minutes of contact.
Q: Can I transfer my existing licence (renewal) to another person?
A: No. Existing licences can not be transferred to another person.
Q: Can I transfer my existing licence/renewal to another property?
A: No. Existing licences can not be transferred to another property.
Q: What is considered a Short-Term Rental?
A: Short-Term Rental means the use of all or part of a Dwelling Unit, either dedicated or owner-occupied, to provide sleeping accommodation for any period of thirty (30) calendar days at a time or less in exchange for payment, but does not include any type of institutional dwelling, hotels, or other similar uses.
Q: What is Dedicated Short-Term Rental?
A: It is a STR is located on a property where the Owner is not a full-time resident.
Q: What zoning permits a Dedicated Short-Term Rental?
A: Local Commercial (C1), General Commercial (C2), Central Business District Commercial (C2A), Highway Commercial (C3), Rural Commercial (C7), Core Mixed Use 1 (CMU1), Core Mixed Use 2 (CMU2), Core Mixed Use 3 (CMU3), Core Mixed Use 4 (CMU4), Core Mixed Use 5 (CMU5), Core Mixed Use 6 (CMU6), Residential 2B (R2B), Waterfront Residential (WR) – lots west of Kraft Road to Mathews Road only and Waterfront Rural Residential (WRR) - lots west of Kraft Road to Mathews Road only.
Q: What is Owner-Occupied Short-Term Rental?
A: means a STR that is located on a property where the Owner is a full-time resident occupying the property on a full-time basis, including the duration of the rental term where the owner is present.
Q: How long has the Town regulated Short-Term Rentals?
A: In 2020, the Town of Fort Erie launched a Short-Term Rental program requiring all Short-Term Rental operators to apply for a licence in order to operate legally in Fort Erie. The program was introduced by Town Council due to a growing number of concerns from fire services, bylaw enforcement and local residents. Some areas of concern included fire safety, property maintenance and a lack of local contact.
Q: I'm a Short-Term Rental operator. When will I be able to purchase a commercial beach pass?
A: Commercial Beach Passes for the 2025 season will be available soon.
Q: When will I receive my renewal notice/be prompted to renew my Short-Term Rental licence?
A: Yes, Short-Term Rental holders will receive an email before the application portal opens with additional program information.
Q: What information am I required to provide my renters?
A: Short-Term Rental operators are required to inform all renters of the proper Fire Exit Floor Plan including an escape plan. In addition, all renters must receive a copy of the Town’s Guest Rules information sheet, which contains information about Town bylaws such as recreational open-air burning, parking, noise, waste collection, tent and/or trailer-use.
Q: What safety measures are required to obtain/retain a licence?
A: As an operator, you are required to provide your guests with:
Q: What if my renters want to have a recreational fire?
A: Short-Term Rental operators must provide their renters with a designated burning area or device on the property. Providing renters with proper burning material will also increase burn safety. Please reference Town Open-air Burning By-law for more information.
Q: Am I responsible for garbage and recycling collection?
A: Operators must properly inform their renters with information about Niagara Region’s waste and recycling program including collection days.
Q: Can I advertise my Short-Term Rental?
A: Operators are permitted to advertise their Short-Term Rental(s) with a valid licence and in accordance with the Short-Term Renal By-law. A paper copy of their licence must be posted inside the rental in a prominent location and must remain in that location permanently.
Q: How long do demerit points last?
A: Demerit points remain in place until the two-year anniversary date of when the points were issued.
Q: How many points can I incur before disciplinary action happens?
A: If the total of all demerit points respecting a Short-Term Rental is seven (7) or more, an owner is required to provide Economic Development & Tourism Services written steps on how they intend to mitigate further instances of awarding demerit points. If the total of all demerit points respecting a Short-Term Rental is fifteen (15) or more, the owner’s Short-Term Rental licence will be suspended effective immediately upon issuance of the last demerit points. An Owner whose licence has been revoked may, within ten (10) days of being notified of the revocation, submit a written request to the Coordinator to appeal the licence revocation to the Hearing Officer.
Q: Do I have to renew my licence every year?
A: Yes. Any operator of a Short-Term Rental must renew their licence annually.
Q: How long is my licence valid for?
A: A licence for a Short-Term Rental is valid from the date it is issued until it expires on December 31 of the same calendar year it was issued.
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