The Town's annual Road Resurfacing program starts at the beginning of each summer.
The entire Town road network is inspected and rated every two years by Town Engineering staff or a pavement engineering consultant. Road inspection is done to provide updated Pavement Condition Index (PCI) information. In addition, road sections are inspected and rated using a pavement evaluation system developed by the Ministry of Transportation. This system has been widely adopted at all levels of road management.
The updated pavement condition data is uploaded to a computerized road maintenance decision-making program. This program evaluates each road section based on the following:
The decision-making program provides an initial list of candidate roads. The roads are then "ground-truthed" by Town Engineering staff to confirm the acceptability of each road section for resurfacing. Town staff also ensure that the resurfacing list aligns with other capital works plans (water main and sewer construction project) to ensure efficiencies and to avoid project overlap.
To maximize the dollars committed to the Roads Resurfacing program, Town Council approves the annual budget early in the year, thus, allowing for early tendering and favourable pricing.
Every year the Town solicits bids through quotations or tenders for the town-wide annual projects. All projects are awarded annually, some with the option to renew for a second year.
For more information and or updates relating to the Road Resurfacing program of the various road segments throughout the Town of Fort Erie, please visit the following links below.
The Town publishes all annual maintenance programs on our Let's Talk Fort Erie website.
Town of Fort Erie Road Classification Map
For a more detailed version of the Road Classification Map please contact the Town of Fort Erie's Planning Department at 905-871-1600.
Town of Fort Erie Minimum Maintenance Standards for Sanding, Salting and Plowing Roads and Sidewalks
Roads | Class 3 | Class 4 | Class 5 |
Class 6 |
Alleyways and Parking Lots |
Time to complete sanding or salting once becoming aware of icy conditions. | 8 hours | 12 hours | 16 hours | 24 hours | 36 hours |
Depth of snow accumulation before plowing begins. |
8 cm | 8 cm | 10 cm | 10 cm | 12 cm |
Time to complete plowing once the storm has ended. |
12 hours | 16 hours | 24 hours | 24 hours | 24 hours |
Class 6 Roads, Alleyways and Parking Lots are not subject to provincial minimum maintenance standards with regards to ice formation or snow accumulation.
Sidewalks | |
Time to complete sanding once becoming aware of icy conditions | 48 hours |
Depth of snow accumulation before plowing begins | 8 cm |
Time to complete plowing once the storm has ended | 48 hours |
The Engineering Division inspects all sidewalks within the Town of Fort Erie on an annual basis. The list of sidewalks for repair has been developed in accordance with By-law No. 211-92: Sidewalk Policy.
The Town will address sidewalk surface discontinuities (gap, crack, heaves) under Ontario Regulation 239/02, Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways. The regulation indicates that discontinuity on or within a sidewalk is deemed to be in a state of repair if it is less than or equal to two centimeters. (20mm or ¾”)
As part of our general capital construction program, every year sidewalks are removed, replaced or repaired. Repair work for sidewalks are prioritized based on inspection and resulting condition rating, location of sidewalks in relation to school walking areas and classification of adjacent roads.
Locations included as part of the sidewalk repair program are subject to removal and replacement of sidewalk panels at various locations throughout the Municipality. However, during field inspections occasional settled or lifted sidewalk panels are discovered. Those found to be broken or raised are noted and the appropriate measures taken to fix the issue as quickly as possible.
If you are requesting the installation of a new sidewalk or if you are of the belief that any discontinuity (gap, crack, or heave) in the existing sidewalk is greater than two centimetres (20mm or 3/4") please contact the Engineering Division at (905) 871-1600 to arrange an on-site inspection.
For more information and or updates relating to the Sidewalk Repair program throughout the Town of Fort Erie, please visit the following link below.
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