There has been an increase in re-purposed shipping/cargo containers throughout Fort Erie's residential, commercial and industrial areas. For years, Town Council and staff have investigated the optimal approach to addressing the use of shipping/cargo containers in Fort Erie.
In October 2019, Town Council approved changes to the Town's zoning by-law. The changes address issues associated with converting these units, such as safety (e.g. contaminants, ventilation, etc.). The changes also help integrate into non-industrial areas (e.g. residential, commercial etc.). They do this by setting out specific setback and locational provisions and requiring the submission of a site plan application, including drawings such as site layout and building design. In addition, Town Council approved where and how the use of shipping/cargo containers may be used temporarily within the Town.
The Town's fees and charges by-law was also updated to include a site plan fee of $853 for all converted shipping/cargo containers. The fee will exclude shipping/cargo containers for accessory residential and commercial uses as long as the applicant picks one of the Town's pre-approved design options:
Zoning By-law No. 129-90
PDS-45-2-2019 (October 7, 2019) Shipping/Cargo Containers Development Charges Information Report
PDS-45-1-2019 (August 12, 2019) Commercial Area Shipping Containers Recommendation Report
PDS-45-2019 (July 8, 2019) Shipping Containers Recommendation Report
PDS-85-2017 (November 20, 2017) – Information Report on Shipping/Cargo Containers
For more information about shipping/cargo containers in Fort Erie, please contact:
Supervisor, Development Approvals
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