The Town of Fort Erie is planning for the future of its parks, trails, and open spaces to meet the needs of a growing community. Fort Erie’s parks and open space system includes 34 parks, covering 150 hectares of sports fields, passive parks, natural areas, heritage parks, and civic squares. The town also boasts over 35 kilometres of recreational trails and multiple waterfront access points.
With a projected population growth of 32% over the next 20 years, the Parks and Open Space Master Plan will provide a long-term strategy to support both current and future residents. This plan will guide strategic investments to promote a healthy community, enhance quality of life, and encourage environmental sustainability. The plan will also consider community values, priorities, and expectations, evolving standards and recreation trends, and forecasted community growth, ensuring fair and consistent service delivery across all neighbourhoods.
In February 2018, over 500 residents completed a survey to share their input on parks and open spaces. To gather a more informed perspective post-COVID, the Town conducted another round of community engagement in March 2024, with over 150 residents participating.
The first round of public open houses took place on February 15, 2018, where community members were asked to provide feedback on the strengths of the existing park system, gaps in service, and priorities for the future. The second round of open houses occurred on March 6 and 7, 2024, to gather updated insights on parks and open spaces in a post-COVID context.
Parks and Open Space Master Plan Public Open House #1 - PowerPoint Presentation
The information collected from public open houses, online survey results, and email inquiries was carefully consolidated and analyzed to develop the draft report. These insights were instrumental in shaping the recommendations and addressing community needs. The Draft Parks and Open Space Master Plan, reflecting community feedback and priorities, was formally presented to Council on October 7, 2024, for review and consideration.
The final version of the Parks and Open Space Master Plan was approved by Council on February 10, 2025. The report can be accessed through the link below. The master plan will be reviewed every ten years to ensure it continues to align with the evolving needs and goals of the community.
We sincerely thank everyone who took the time to participate and share their perspectives on the future of Fort Erie's parks system. As part of our ongoing commitment to serving residents, we welcome continuous feedback on the town’s parks, open spaces, trails, and waterfront. Please feel free to email us with any comments or inquiries using the contact information provided below.
Contact Information
Community Planning - 905-871-1600
Elizabeth Latif, Parks Planner/ Project Manager - 905- 871- 1600,
Contact Us