Property Standards By-law 186-08 |
The Town of Fort Erie Property Standards By-law prescribes the standards for maintenance and minimum standards required for occupancy of property in the Town. |
Lot Maintenance By-law 92-2019 |
The Town of Fort Erie Lot Maintenance By-law prescribes the standards for exterior property maintenance relating to:
Public Nuisance By-law 83-2023 |
The Town of Fort Erie Noise and Nuisance By-law regulates noise and nuisances on public and private property within the Town of Fort Erie. By-law Enforcement Officers respond to complaints related to noise and nuisance from Monday-Wednesday 8:30am-4:30pm and Thursday-Sunday 8:30am-8:00pm. To submit a complaint after hours, please contact Niagara Regional Police at: (905) 871-2300. |
Fence By-law 71-2016 |
The Town of Fort Erie Fence By-law regulates the height, location, maintenance and materials used for constructing fences and privacy screens. |
Parks and Beaches By-law 119-03 |
The Town of Fort Erie Parks and Beaches By-law regulates, protects and governs all parking and permissible activities within Town owned parks and facilities to ensure a safe and pleasant experience for all residents and tourists. |
Swimming Pool By-law 149-08 |
The Town of Fort Erie Swimming Pool By-law regulates all swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, jacuzzis or any other Pool capable of holding more than 0.60 metres (2’) of water. All Pools require an enclosure and Permit, which can be obtained through the Town of Fort Erie Building Department. |
Town of Fort Erie Encroachment Policy By-law 89-07 |
The Town of Fort Erie Encroachment Policy By-law regulates all fences, trees, plants, structures or objects placed on Town property or road allowances. |
Snow Removal By-law 17-09 |
The Town of Fort Erie Snow Removal By-law regulates snow removal for private properties in the Town of Fort Erie. Owners are responsible for the removal of snow and ice from areas of passage on their property that includes sidewalks and highways. |
Sign By-law 119-2017 |
The Town of Fort Erie Sign By-law regulates the use of sign permits and ensures that signs in the Town of Fort Erie meet the standards as set out in the Ontario Building Code, our Zoning By-laws and other applicable legislation. Please note: signs that are found to be in non-compliance may be removed at the owner’s expense. Any signs placed illegally on Town property may be removed. |
Motorized Snow Mobile By-law 24-06 |
The Town of Fort Erie Motorized Snow Mobile By-law regulates the time and locations where a motorized snow vehicle can be driven. This By-law is enforced by Niagara Regional Police, please contact them to make any reports at (905) 871-2300. If your concern requires immediate attention due to danger of persons or property, please call 911. |
Prohibited Areas for the Discharge of Firearms |
Town of Fort Erie Firearms Discharge Map |
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