We are dedicated to supporting the growth and prosperity of our vibrant community. Whether you are a local business owner, a non-profit organization or looking to invest, we provide a range of funding opportunities and resources that can assist you with your next steps.
Downtown Core Area Community Improvement Plan (CIP) |
Fort Erie offers commercial façade, signage and residential intensification grant programs for the Downtown Core Areas of Bridgeburg, Ridgeway, Stevensville, and the Southend-Riverwalk.
Commercial Façade Improvement Grant: Enhancing commercial and mixed-use downtown core areas can strengthen the community, and attract commerce and tourism activity. Grants of up to $40,000 from the Town of Fort Erie can be applied for to improve the front facing exterior of a commercial or core mixed-use property.
Commercial Façade Signage Grant: Improving business signage can help complement building character and the downtown atmosphere. Grants of up to $2,000 from the Town of Fort Erie can be applied for to improve the business signage of a commercial or core mixed-use property.
Residential Creation and Intensification Grant: There are opportunities to develop residential apartments in commercial and core mixed-use areas. Grants from the Town of Fort Erie can be applied for to support in the creation of up to 4 new residential units for a commercial or core mixed-use property.
Brownfield Community Improvement Plan (CIP) |
Environmental Site Assessment Grant (ESA): Developing a site that has been used for industrial or commercial purposes in the past can drive the need for environmental studies and assessments. Grants of up to $13,000 per study and up to $20,000 per property are available to help offset the price of eligible studies.
Brownfield Tax Assistance Program (TAP): Developing a brownfield site is an investment in Fort Erie. Eligible projects may qualify for a cancellation of part or all of municipal and education property taxes during remediation or redevelopment for up to five years.
Brownfield Tax Increment Grant: Redeveloping a brownfield site will undoubtedly increase its property value over time. Grants are available for eligible projects through the local and Regional incentive programs. TIG provides an annual grant that reimburses 60% to 100% (based on smart growth principles and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - LEED certification) of the municipal property tax increase created by the new development. The annual grant lasts up to 10 years, or until the grant payments equal the total eligible costs. |
Niagara Gateway Economic Zone and Centre Community Improvement Plan (Gateway CIP) |
Receive property tax reductions between 40% and 100% for five to ten years and grants toward Regional Development Charges for eligible projects in Fort Erie.
Please visit the Gateway CIP page for more information.
Niagara’s Development Charges Reduction Program |
Receive a major financial incentive in designated exemption areas or central areas as well as in brownfield sites in urban areas. Businesses may be eligible for an exemption of up to 50% of applicable Regional Development Charges if the projects satisfies a pre-defined number of Niagara’s Smart Growth Design Criteria or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. |
Niagara Foreign Trade Zone (NFTZ) |
Niagara Foreign Trade Zone (NFTZ) promotes Niagara as a hub for international trade, helps businesses integrate into foreign markets, and supports business expansion into new markets. The NFTZ provides streamlined information on the Government of Canada’s tax and tariff export related programs. Some programs include the following:
Town of Fort Erie Industrial Development Charges Grant Program (IDCG) |
The Industrial Development Charges Grant Program (IDCG) is designed to support businesses and developers by offsetting the costs associated with industrial development charges. This initiative aims to encourage investment, stimulate economic growth, and enhance the competitiveness of our town.
Please visit the Industrial Development Development Charges Grant Program page for more information. |
Starter Company Plus |
If you're starting or expanding a business and have the entrepreneurial drive to see it through, Starter Company Plus will put you on the path to success. Delivered by the Niagara Falls Small Business Enterprise Centre with funding from the Province of Ontario, Starter Company Plus is an entrepreneurship program built specifically for the needs of new and early stage small business owners. Learn critical business information and skills in group training sessions, network with other business owners in mentor meetings and pitch for grant funding to invest in your start up or growth plans!
For more information, please visit the Niagara Falls Small Business Enterprise Centre. |
Economic Development & Tourism Services Contact: |
edts@forterie.ca | 905-871-1332 |
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