March 11, 2025
FORT ERIE, ON – The Town has contracted Hetek Solutions to conduct Acoustic Watermain Testing services to assess the Town’s water distribution system for suspected leaks. Highly sensitive listening equipment is placed at multiple locations where the water distribution system is accessible from above ground, such as at valves and fire hydrants. Sound data is collected and through analysis the location of the suspected leak is identified.
When is the work scheduled?
Hetek is expected to conduct field activities on March 17th, 2025 and complete them by June 1st, 2025. The work will be conducted both during the day from 8am to 4pm and at night from 10pm to 6am.
Why is acoustic leak detection necessary?
Identifying the location of leaks will help the Town prioritize further investigation and repairs if necessary. Identifying leaks is the first step in reducing overall water utility costs for the Town.
Is acoustic leak detection work noisy?
No noise is produced during the acoustic leak detection. Hetek is listening for the noise of water leaking from the watermain.
Why is the work scheduled at night?
Hetek is listening for the vibrations made when water is leaking from a watermain and the best time to do this is when the water distribution system is used by the least number of people and there is low ambient noise.
How will I identify Hetek employees?
Hetek staff will be easily identified through visible identification and personal protective equipment that is reflective and brightly colored. Hetek vehicles will have decals.
Would my water supply be impacted?
No, water supply will not be impacted. Go about your day as usual. If you can, schedule activities such as laundry, dishwashing, showers, etc. prior to 10pm.
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