The Fort Erie Fire Department has proactively dealt with Open Air Burning within the Town. We have created fair and easy-to-follow rules to have a recreational fire. The Open-Air Burning By-law was amended in September 2020 to include additional regulations.
Fort Erie residents and visitors can only burn recreational fires between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m. Burning of construction materials, brush, garbage, yard waste, etc., is prohibited at any time of the day.
The primary purpose of this By-Law is to reduce burning complaints and ensure a safer community. These reductions relieve the fire service from unnecessary incidents and assist the community by:
If the fire department receives a burning complaint and it is found to violate the bylaw, the homeowner will receive a Burn Notice. Subsequent Burn Notices may result in invoices for each responding fire vehicle.
Contact Us
Town of Fort Erie
1 Municipal Centre Drive,
Fort Erie, ON, L2A 2S6,
Phone: 905-871-1600